Thursday, March 11, 2010


With HESI hovering over my head for the next few weeks, I've got a lot to do!  Our friends are coming over Monday so I've got to finish cleaning the house, study at night when John is home so he can take care of Harper, oh yeah, and I've taken on more responsibilities at work.  Could I possibly put more on my plate?  The answer is yes.  I can always find something else to eat up my time and this time the winner is OSHA.  You read it correctly-I'm going to become a certified OSHA instructor.  I've found that I absolutely love teaching people.  Especially something safety related like CPR/AED/First Aid.  Will I eventually get my master's and start teaching something nursing related?  Can't say for sure but that would definitely be quite a ways down the road. 

Harper has been really funny lately.  She cracks up all the time and has the greatest personality.  She loves bath time!  She really loves her lotion massage afterwards. I think I'm creating a monster.  At this very moment she's sitting in her bouncy chair laughing up a storm.  This is a picture of her the other night after her bath.  She watched NFL Network with daddy for a little bit.

I know the picture isn't of the best quality but this is Harper after she wakes up.  This was after one of her 20 minute naps that she's starting to take in the afternoon.  She was laughing so much and was so funny that I had to quickly find my phone and snap what I could!