So the past week or so has been stressful with many appointments (Harper and myself), taking on my new role within the CPR company and most exciting of all, getting ready to take Harper to Marshall to meet my family. Harper's 6 week checkup went well but you wouldn't know it from the picture. She was fussy all afternoon but even then, was only fussy when she would wake up to eat. She actually slept a lot that day which is a blessing.

Now a few days ago, I woke up to an unfamiliar noise. It was Harper and she had found her fingers. She was sound asleep but sucking on that finger! I'm at a loss because she is getting accustomed to sleeping on her tummy on my chest. If she's placed on a pillow, she's out. If she's on her back in her pack 'n play she will only sleep for about 30 minutes and then she wakes up. I feel like the world's worst mom when she falls asleep on her tummy but she likes it and sleeps
really well. So tonight I'm going to try to put her in her carseat and see how that goes.

One thing I'm working on is a schedule for Harper in the hopes that will help her sleep at night. I'm going to try to bathe her every other night before bed which is an increase from once each week. The main reason behind the weekly baths is that Harper was blessed with my super sensitive, pastey white skin. Poor baby! It's also been unseasonably cold the past week or so with temps in the low 20's. John told me one morning that it was 19 degrees F when he left to go to work. I may need to inform some that we live in Houston-HOUSTON! That is waaaaaay too cold! I didn't sign up for this weather.

Since I'm in a picture happy mood, I leave you now with a picture of Harper praying. Thanks Anne!