Yesterday we went to Kemah to meet Harper's Nana and our friend Diane for Harper's pictures. Everything was going well for the first 15 minutes and then all hell broke loose. Harper had a wall-eyed hissy fit and wouldn't calm down unless she was being held. Needless to say, she took some mommy & me pictures. She showed me one on her camera and I cried. I can't wait to see more of them. I'm always behind the camera with the exception of two pictures - one in the hospital and one the day we came home, neither of them flattering. Those were taken at my heaviest, a whopping 200 lbs. I still can't believe it myself. I was very sick and had plenty of postpartum complications which forced more medications and fluids into my daily medication regimen. I've lost almost 50 pounds but yesterday, I would have been more than willing to have my picture taken at 200 or even 300 pounds. Yesterday was such a special moment. I'm beginning to cry just thinking about it.

Today we hung out with Aunt Tracy. I'm sure Avery will not be happy when she finds out that Harper was at her house while she was at school. This is a picture of Avery and Harper's first meeting. Avery was too cute and so gentle!
While downloading pictures onto my computer, I came across this picture of Papaw with Harper. I took so many pictures with other people's cameras, I forgot that I took a picture with mine! This reminds me that I need to call him. It's too late now but I'll put it on my long list of things to do tomorrow.

Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day. I have a CPR class tomorrow in Katy and then I have to rush back home to Harper. I hope I can make it a few hours without her. :) I have to get some documentation together for my Monday CPR meeting with Mary. Friday morning we have a play-date with some moms on a board I belong to, Bay Area Mommas or BAM for short. Every time John refers to the site, he always ends up saying "Bam" as if he is Emeril Lagasse. :)