Saturday, Harper and I laid down to take a nap and John woke us up around 7pm. He needed to get some things from the store and so did I so we decided to make it a family affair. I thought I'd take along the new sling I made for her since the one I purchased when I was 6 months pregnant didn't fit. Here's a picture of a very sleepy mommy with an even more sleepy Harper. She slept the whole time we were at the grocery store and I was so proud. I had an overwhelming sense of pride wearing my baby who was also wearing cloth diapers! Friday night was officially the first time she slept through the night. Most of the time she'll wake up once but Friday night she turned a corner and has slept through the night for 3 nights in a row! This, of course, doesn't mean mommy slept- I kept waking up checking to make sure she was still breathing.

Yesterday John's parents came over. We went to lunch and they hung out for a while at the house. While we were out to lunch, Harper ate what was almost a 5 oz bottle. Less than an hour later, she ate a full 5 oz bottle and about an hour or so later, I fed her for about 20 minutes. Then 3 hours later, she ate again for about 30 minutes. I couldn't believe it!
This is a picture of what I think is the cutest little jumper. I'm not sure if you can tell but there are horses, cowboy hats, cowboy boots, lassos, and cowboys riding horses with lace trim.
She was starting to get frustrated because we were taking pictures and moving her around. She typically is only smiley and giggly right after she wakes up for about 15-20 minutes and then you better be ready to feed her. The photo on the left is what happens when you aren't ready to feed her when she's ready to eat. Just getting one more picture is next to impossible! All we wanted to do is see if one of the 3 cowboy hats she has fits. She still has 1.5 months left until the rodeo and we just had to try all of them on!

I finally got the pleasure of experiencing what most cloth diapering moms call 'cloth diaper stank'. I know why they call it stank and not stink-stink doesn't do this smell justice. I'm pretty sure I used too much soap a time or two, or maybe, just maybe, it's the diaper rash cream I used while cd'ing. I ended up stripping them which was much easier than I expected. All I did was wash them like I regularly do, two extra rinses and threw in a cup of vinegar with one of those rinses. They came out bright white and smelling very clean! It's amazing how much money we save by using cloth diapers. And to top it off, they are so much cuter than those disposables! Here's a picture of Harper with her Nuclear Pumpkin Soft Bums cloth diaper and a knit Auburn hat a friend of the family made for her. It's a little big right now but that just means she can wear it when she's older.