I was asking this question to a dear friend of mine who worked as a NICU nurse several years ago. Harper has been having reflux issues and though they were getting better, she was still having reflux that smelled very acidic, far more often than I thought she should while on this medication. He increased her Prevacid to 15 mg twice each day rather than once a day. He is referring us to a gastroenterologist and an ENT specialist with the possibility of seeing a pulmonologist, depending on the ENT results. We are scheduling an upper GI contrast procedure to be done when they call me back. Her pedi is hoping that her airway inflammation is caused by her reflux but her snoring and occasional gasping for air concerns her pediatrician so a pulmonologist may be in her near future. When I was 5 months pregnant I was interviewing this pediatrician where we spoke very openly and frankly about my history of asthma and how I still struggle with it to this day. He told me to prepare that she may have breathing problems and that they would probably manifest around 18 months of age. We'll see what happens. I'm just trying to stay positive!
On Tuesday we went back down to Kemah to look at Harper's pictures. She is so beautiful and this photographer took some of the best pictures. She's so talented. I can't wait for April when the bluebonnets are blooming - I'm hoping Harper will have at least some trunk control so she can be photographed outside in the field of blue and white. Bluebonnets will forever remind me of my Meme. She always took pictures of bluebonnets in fields and would always order seeds from different companies and plant them all over her yard. I'm thinking if Harper doesn't have trunk control, maybe John can take a half day and we can hold her. We will just have to practice sitting up until then.
Here's a picture of Harper in one of her Lime Green Softbums diapers. She's such a happy baby!
This photo is one of my absolute favorites. She looks so big and I don't even think it really looks like her. She loves it when you turn the lights off and turn the lamp on. Props to daddy for capturing such a great moment!