Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Really? Really?

This is the question I keep asking myself (sometimes aloud) because I'm still feeling under the weather.  Neither Harper nor I have a fever but our sinuses are going crazy!  I'm so leery to take anything since I'm breastfeeding but I think in this situation, medication is warranted.  I was even told that trace amounts of medication in my milk could help Harper.  We'll see.  We drove up to Marshall today to surprise my mom.  We were going to stop by her office and brighten her day but she wasn't feeling well either so she stayed home.
Harper had her Upper GI Contrast yesterday and the doctor stated, "she's perfect".  We could have told him that!  :)  She did so well at Texas Children's - John and I were so proud of her.  She slept the entire 1.5 hours we waited for her appointment and although she wasn't happy, she didn't put up too much of a fight when it came time to do the test.  They told me to be 15 minutes early to the appointment or else they would reschedule.  We showed up about 30 minutes early and then had to wait about 1 hour.  We did this test to make sure that her esophagus and stomach/intestines were functioning properly and not contributing to her vomiting/spitting up.  Since we've increased her Prevacid to twice each day, she has been better.  Her pediatrician mentioned that some babies simply produce more stomach acid than others and she may have to be on medication for a while.  As much as I hate to pump her full of drugs at such a young age, it does help her. 

On another note, my friend Crystal is one of four finalists in Lifetime's Clean Start Challenge Sweepstakes.  Be sure and vote for her.  She could win $10,000!  Her little girl, Evie Sue, is adorable and 3 months older than Harper.  Crystal is on a mission to learn how to cook and I am excited to help her with that very soon.