This morning, I jumped out of the shower to find Harper sound asleep making lots of noise. It was cute. She was laughing, smiling and cooing. I snapped this picture before she woke up hungry. I swear she can smell me from the next room and not because I stink. Babies are so funny that way.
My new position with the CPR company is going well but I find myself getting overwhelmed. I tell myself that I can only do one thing at a time so that's what I do. In the morning I'll return phone calls, leave messages, eat lunch, answer phone calls from previous messages I've left, coordinate new classes for people needing certification and somewhere in there, hopefully I will have showered and fed Harper a few times. Yesterday I was on the phone for 5 hours without a break! Literally, 5 hours! Recently I've been trying to recruit new CPR instructors with no success. I'm going to have to change my gameplan but not sure right now how I'm going to go about it - especially in the other states.