Although Harper and I are still sick, we had a great weekend. My mom and nephew, Landon came down for the weekend and we got to celebrate her birthday since we won't be able to visit them in Marshall on Sunday which is actually her birthday. We were going to venture out on Saturday and pick up a few things but as it turns out, Harper had other ideas for us. She absolutely loves her little coat. Once again, thank you Aunt Ashley and Miss Sissy! I have given myself a deadline of Tuesday night to do something about this laundry bomb. When it comes to Harper's room, I've given myself a more reasonable deadline of February 28th. I've found that I can't study with all of this stuff that still needs to be done around me! Hopefully next week Harper and I will feel better and we can have our friends Eric, Crystal and Evie over for dinner. I'm going to show Crystal how to make a few recipes - I can't wait!

Right now I'm making several slings. I made a black one so I can wear Harper and still be stylish if we go somewhere nice. I used it Saturday night when we went out to eat with John's parents for my mom's birthday. I'm also making pacifier clips. I know it's inevitable that the one we have for Harper will either get lost or will be covered in either vomit, poo or pee eventually and then we'll be S.O.L. The one we have was given to us as a baby shower gift. A lady made it out of some Auburn material and we've thoroughly enjoyed showing our Auburn pride every chance we get!

I finally finished her bow holder last week. Her Nana got her a pink, wooden Princess plaque. I wasn't too happy with the colors so I decided to paint some of the letters a hot pink, added some ribbon and attached some wooden cutesy designs that I also painted the same hot pink as the letters. Here is the finished product. I was really happy with the way it turned out. I took back the shelves that were in her room. Lowe's wasn't too happy with taking them back but after a short explanation, they were slightly more accommodating. We installed floating shelves in her room that looked great. The only problem with them is that they leaned down - even when nothing was on them! In the middle of the night, I heard things falling and crashing on the floor. Not going to cut it. I got some shelves with some L-brackets and they seem to be fairing much better. It's not the look I was going for but safety is much more important.
John and I just found out that we have family that are opening up their home and their hearts by adopting two children from Ethiopia. I am very excited for them. Adoption is something that is very special and important to me. John and I have talked about adoption before - when we were told that kids weren't an option for us. It's still very important to me but we'll see where our family is in the next few years. They have two children and will definitely have their hands full with two more! They just started on their journey and we couldn't be happier for them. They have a long road ahead with paperwork and all things that go along with international adoptions so please send lots of positive energy and prayers their way!

John and I have some great news. We've decided that I will stay home with Harper. I'm going to finish getting my nursing license but will work as the new Business Development Manager for Therapeutic Professionals. I will coordinate and manage all things related to CPR. This job will allow me to work from home and be with my little Harper. Look at this face. How could I not want to be with her every minute of every day? I never would have thought I would want to stay at home but that's what it looks like. I haven't worked for almost one year and we've somehow managed to tighten our purse-strings and make it work. Now I will be working from home and that will take some of the added pressure off of John and I both. When you want something bad enough, you do what you have to do to make it work and that's what we are going to do. I'm very happy and relieved about our decision. I'm so lucky that I have such a supportive husband! I can't wait to see what the next year brings with this company. Harper is taking a nap so I'm going to try to catch a few Zzzs myself.